Chuck's blog started me thinking what it actually means to "vote one's conscience." My computer dictionary defines conscience "as an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior." Since that sounded reasonable and perhaps even a bit noble, I decided to investigate what this could mean to the election. Initially, I intended to point out the pitfalls inherent in such an action since I will never get over what Ralph Nader's narcissistic candidacy did to this country in 2004.
I was embarrassed to realize I knew nothing about Bob Barr so I dedicated several hours to investigating his political career, the positions he allegedly represents, who supports him. I began by watching all the videos on his campaign Web page. Over and over again, I heard him say he would appeal to Independents and large groups of young people.
Young people? Why young people... oh I get it... he hopes to inherit all of Ron Paul's devotees. Hmmm, I see he is also advertising for Web designers so I guess he is going to try to generate the grassroots online energy of Ron Paul's campaign. Ron Paul had a long history of relentlessly standing his Libertarian grounds, even when he was the only voice out there, but who is this Bob Barr who speaks of "abundant freedom for all"?
michael valentine
from spring Valley
June 27, 2008 at 07:43 PM
This years election will be as interesting as any I remember. While I doubt that Obama will loose, it will be interesting to see how badly the Republicans do nation wide in the Congress.
How badly damaged is the Republican "Brand Name"? Will they have a minority large enough to block Democratic legislation? Will splinter conservative groups emerge?
In three early contest the Republicans have lost in solid Republican districts including the former Speaker Hastings' district.
Right here in San Diego we have a Congressional contest that pits two veterans of the Iraqi war against each other, Lt. Commander Mike Lumpkin the Democratic contender and Captain Duncan Hunter the Republican contender and son of retiring Congressman Duncan Hunter.
The McCain and Barr sideshow is just that, a sideshow. But Barr will give Republican die-hards an excuse for losing, as if the last eight year haven't been reason enough.
The real excitement is going to be the House and Senate contest around the country. Will Minn. re-elect war supporting Republican Senator Norman Coleman or funny man Democrat Al Franklin while going for Barack Obama for President? Will Obama have coat tails?
It's going to be interesting, very interesting.
from Escondido, CA
June 27, 2008 at 11:23 PM
It will definitely be an interesting election cycle, and Michael makes some good points about the congressional races. I'm certainly not sold on Barr yet, just considering whether he's palatable and doing my homework, but is it too much to ask that at some point in my adult life my presidential vote not be cast on a 'lessor of two evils' analysis?
Matthew C. Scallon
July 01, 2008 at 05:42 PM
If Bob Barr actually did the things he's accused of doing, his ethos is a perfect fit for the Libertarian Party.
As one who has often voted for the loser because I couldn't, in good conscience, vote for the winner, a vote of conscience is never a wasted vote.