A fire on the beach this Independence Day weekend might sound like fun, but the people at California's State Parks are reminding all of us that it's often illegal, and dangerous for others.
Roy Stearns is with State Parks. He says it's usually the day after someone's had a beach fire that people get hurt.
Stearns: What people do is have their little fire on the beach and burn 3,4,5 logs and it gets hot, and you have some real charcoaly-type hot, white-hot embers and they bury it, and you come along the next day and you're walking on the beach and you step into that.
Stearns says they see a lot of foot burns as a result. Fire laws vary depending on the area. Stearns say when it comes to state park beaches, it's illegal to have a fire unless there are fire pits or fireplaces provided. Stearns also reminds people headed to state parks this weekend to use only the provided pits in campgrounds - particularly because of the dry conditions.