A University of San Diego study may be used as a guide to reduce the county's greenhouse gas emissions. Those emissions have been linked to climate change. KPBS Reporter Ed Joyce has details.
The greenhouse gas inventory project took about one year to complete.
Scott Anders is the director of USD's Energy Policy Initiatives Center.
He says the study found in 2006, emissions from cars and light-duty trucks represented 46% of total greenhouse gas emissions in San Diego County.
Anders : Individual choices matter. And you know, the kind of car you drive and how far you drive and how you consume power in the home, the kind of appliances you have in the home matter.
He says by 2020, under a business-as-usual scenario, regional greenhouse gas emissions are expected to jump 25% over levels two years ago.
The study estimates that through a combination of 21 strategies, the county could reduce its emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.
The state's global warming law does not require cities or counties to reduce emissions by a specific amount.
Ed Joyce, KPBS News.