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Data Shows More SD Students At District Schools

Preliminary numbers show San Diego Unified public schools attracted more students this year compared to local charter schools -- setting a precedent for the district. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocalis has

Data Shows More SD Students At District Schools

Preliminary numbers show San Diego Unified public schools attracted more students this year compared to local charter schools -- setting a precedent for the district. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocalis has more.

Preliminary data shows enrollment at district schools jumped by more than 400 students this year. Charter schools saw their numbers drop by more than 120 students.


District officials say the dramatic increase is linked to the opening of two new district schools -- Crown Point Music Academy in Pacific Beach and Memorial Middle School in Logan Heights.

Superintendent Terry Grier says the district had goal of attracting more charter school students.

Grier: We’ve tried to listen to parents. And we’ve tried to market our schools somewhat, providing parents with quality opportunities for their children and perhaps something that they might not have been able to get in other settings.

School officials say the district's enrollment might finally be stabilizing after years of decline. Once there's a final tally on Friday, school officials will release a detailed report on what brought these students to the district.

Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.