Originally aired on July 10, 2008.
Maureen Cavanaugh : The Silverwood family of San Diego did something quite remarkable a few years back. They left their comfortable home in North County and made a home out of a 55-foot catamaran. Living on a sailing boat was a dream of John Silverwood .And both he and his wife, Jean, thought sea faring would be an adventurous way to teach their kids about the world.
But this adventure very nearly ended in tragedy. One night they hit a coral reef in French Polynesia. The accident cost John part of his leg and almost cost the family their lives.
John and Jean Silverwood have written a book about their experience on the boat they called the Emerald Jane. The book is called Black Wave: The Adventure at Sea and the Disaster that Saved Them. Tom Fudge talked with John and Jean Silverwood, and their daughter, Amelia, last summer. Here's that interview.
- John and Jean Silverwood , authors of "Black Wave: A Family's Adventure at Sea and the Disaster that Saved Them."
- Amelia Silverwood , daughter of Jean and John who was 12 years old when the family set sail.