San Diego residents could see their water supply cut 20 percent if the Mayor’s new rationing plan is implemented. KPBS reporter Katie Orr has details.
Mayor Jerry Sanders says water rationing will only occur if the city’s water providers cut San Diego’s supply this spring. If that happens, Sanders will require residential customers to reduce their indoor water use by five percent and their outdoor use by 45 percent. He says anyone using more will be fined. In extreme cases after repeated violations, the city will hold back water to a property.
“What it amount to is, we’re going to get a certain bucket of water for the city of San Diego and everybody in San Diego is going to have to share that bucket of water. And we’re trying to make sure that everybody shares as equitably as possible,” he says.
The amount of water customers can use before being fined will be based on how much they used in 2005, 2006, and 2007. The City Council must approve the plan. Rationing could begin in July.
Katie Orr, KPBS News