San Diego County To Issue Alert For Information On Carlsbad Cancer Cases
San Diego County plans to issue an alert to help gather data on cancer cases in Carlsbad. The California Cancer Registry is trying to determine if there's a cancer outbreak in the North County town.
The county will soon issue a California Health Alert Network notice to collect information from doctors and hospitals on cancer cases in Carlsbad.
The county alert is the first ever for cancer. Some Carlsbad residents like John Quartarone, whose 16-year-old son died of cancer, are worried that pesticides in the soil or emissions from a nearby power plant are making people sick.
Quartarone is pleased with the alert but says more must be done. "We want the city, the state and the county to agree to do testing immediately at the parks, in the lagoon, the schools," Quartarone said.
Officials say they won't test unless the data shows the number of cancer cases in Carlsbad is above average.