The Democratic leader of the State Senate said he's considering ways to save local redevelopment efforts in California. A recent State Supreme court decision upheld legislation to eliminate redevelopment agencies. They're facing a deadline next month to shut down their programs. In a meeting with reporters Thursday, state Senator Darrell Steinberg said he'd like to get beyond the tense relationship between cities and the state over tax money and re-create redevelopment efforts.
"If I see that there's an actual desire and willingness to work as partners here as opposed to adversaries, if there is, then hey let's get to work and recreate local economic development," said Steinberg.
Steinberg said his office is reviewing the assets held by re-development agencies. He said they could be used to finance new redevelopment efforts, but must be accompanied by fiscal reforms.
A coalition of labor, business and local government groups that supports redevelopment said it's open to new strategies. It's also working on legislation that would delay the dismantling of redevelopment agencies to allow time for negotiations.