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San Diego's Tourism Engine Winding Up

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San Diego economists say the region's tourism season is in full swing now that Memorial Day is past.

A National University System economist figured there will be an average of 114,000 tourists in the county every day until Labor Day.

San Diego's Tourism Engine Winding Up
San Diego economists say the region's tourism season is in full swing now that Memorial Day is past.

All told, San Diego will get 21 million visits during the 14 weeks between summer's bookend holidays, said Erik Bruvold, the President of the National University System, Institute for Policy Research.


All those tourists are bringing money with them and that makes summer a boost for the local economy.

Just the people who go to the beach will spend $450 million on things like gas, food and sunscreen. He said the improving regional economy will likely boost tourism's economic impact.

"San Diego's tourism industry is dominated by a drive market, basically folks that can get to San Diego within a day of driving," said Bruvold. "And, if you look at the regional economies in places like Phoenix, Tuscon, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, they have recovered."

The city will take in $52 million from its transient occupancy tax during the summer, Bruvold said.