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PACIFIC HEARTBEAT: The Healer Stones of Kapaemahu

Animation still of kapaemahu and stones.
Courtesy of American Public Television
Animation still of kapaemahu and stones.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 10:30 p.m. on KPBS TV + Thursday, May 12 at 9 p.m. on KPBS 2 / On Demand

On Honolulu's famous Waikiki Beach stand four large stones that represent a Hawaiian tradition of healing and gender diversity that is all but unknown to the millions of locals and tourists passing by.

On Honolulu's famous Waikiki Beach stand four large stones that represent a Hawaiian tradition of healing and gender diversity that is all but unknown to the millions of locals and tourists passing by.
Courtesy of American Public Television
On Honolulu's famous Waikiki Beach stand four large stones that represent a Hawaiian tradition of healing and gender diversity that is all but unknown to the millions of locals and tourists passing by.

According to legend, the stones are a tribute to four mahu - people of dual male and female spirit - who brought the healing arts from Tahiti to Hawaii and used their spiritual power to cure disease.

Courtesy of American Public Television
Courtesy of American Public Television
Four boulders near the famous Waikiki beach pay tribute to healers who brought their arts from Tahiti to Hawaii hundreds of years ago. A plaque commemorates the healers’ contributions, but fails to mention they were mahu, individuals who embodied both male and female spirits.

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Healer Stones of Kapaemahu: Promo

About The Series:

PACIFIC HEARTBEAT is an anthology series that provides viewers with a glimpse of the real Pacific – its people, cultures and contemporary issues. The series features a diverse array of programs that draws viewers into the heart and soul of Pacific Island culture. Visit PACIFIC HEARTBEAT on Facebook