Secrecy (Redacted Pictures)
Filmmakers Peter Galison and Robb Moss's thought-provoking documentary, Secrecy , has its San Diego premiere on Thursday, March 12 at 7:00 pm at MCASD La Jolla. The film explores the massive labyrinth of U.S. government secrecy. The documentary mixes interviews with striking visuals, archival footage, and animation. The film played at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival and is described as sounding off "on the debate over who controls the flow of information in contemporary America. Secrecy peers behind the multi-layered facade of the U.S. government's inner sanctum of classified documents and their pivotal role in the War on Terror." So if you don't want to tangle with the opening night crowds at the San Diego Latino Film Festival, this would be a good alternative choice.
More information also is online at .