The young Australian filmmakers behind the 2007 short film "Spider" have a wickedly dark sense of humor. Let's hope that same black comedy is at work in brothers Joel and Nash Edgerton's feature-length debut, "The Square," opening at Landmark's Ken Cinema on Friday.
Former stuntman Nash Edgerton directs, while brother Joel co-wrote and acts in the film (fresh off the stage where he played Stanley to Cate Blanchett's Blanche in "A Streetcar Named Desire.")
I'm heartened that KPBS film critic Beth Accomando liked both "The Square" and "Spider" (I knew she'd love "Spider" since she's fairly a good way). "Spider" will screen before "The Square" throughout the Ken run, but I decided to post it for your viewing pleasure here. Trust me, this perfect sucker-punch of a film will only drive you to the theater for more.