At the Hawaii Convention Center, guests hope for fame and fortune, too, with a wide assortment of objects to be appraised, including a first edition copy of Jack London's "Call of the Wild;" a 1915 Hawaiian flag quilt, bearing the coat of arms of King Kamehameha; and a violin and bow purchased for the owner's aunt in 1921 and kept in storage for the last 40 years. Although it's accompanied by a bill of sale claiming the instrument is a valuable Camilli from 1737, the violin actually is a fine forgery — so fine that the pair still is valued at $12,000- $15,000 at auction. All of the appraisals from this episode are available for online viewing.
Miss last week's show? Catch up on your appraisal watching in the "Roadshow" Archive. Search by city, episode, season, and more! Appraise It Yourself: Test your knowledge of classic baseball memorabilia — "Roadshow's" appraisal video game lets you be the expert!