"Midsomer Murders" has become an international phenomenon. The rural countryside of a fictional county in England provides the backdrop for this crime series based on the novels of Caroline Graham. A lush visual style, quirky characters (frequently wealthy eccentrics), and ubiquitous red herrings recall classic public television British mysteries of the past. At the center of the "Midsomer Murders" investigations is Detective Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby, played by actor John Nettles ("Bergerac").
"Beyond The Grave" - Part One & Two:
DCI Barnaby returns from a holiday in France to discover an unidentified tramp has been beaten to death in the woods near the village of Marshwood. While Barnaby was away, Supt. Ronald Pringle, just before his retirement, quickly arrested a local young man. But Barnaby suspects that he is innocent, which is only reinforced when there is an apparent suicide at the same spot. He tries to uncover the connection before there can be a further murder.