"The Fabric Of The Cosmos," a four-hour series based on the book by renowned physicist and author Brian Greene, takes us to the frontiers of physics to see how scientists are piecing together the most complete picture yet of space, time, and the universe. With each step, audiences will discover that just beneath the surface of our everyday experience lies a world we’d hardly recognize—a startling world far stranger and more wondrous than anyone expected.
"The Illusion Of Time" - Brian Greene takes us on the ultimate time traveling adventure, hurtling 50 years into the future before stepping into a wormhole to travel back to the past.
Along the way, he will reveal a new way of thinking about time in which moments past, present, and future — from the reign of T. Rex to the birth of your great-great-grandchildren — exist all at once. You'll never look at your wristwatch the same way again.
Up Next:
The third episode, "Quantum Leap" will air on Wednesday, July 25 at 9 p.m. The final episode, "Universe Or Multiverse?" will follow at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, July 25.
The first episode, "What Is Space?" originally aired November 2011, and rebroadcast July 11, 2012.
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