Part travelogue, part food fantasy and part documentary of self-discovery, the public television series "Kimchi Chronicles" follows acclaimed chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten and his Korean-born wife Marja as they explore and celebrate Korea's cuisine and culture in the company of chefs, home cooks and their good friend, actress Heather Graham.
Then, Marja and Jean-Georges return to their country kitchen in Westchester, New York to re-create some of their favorite recipes alongside their neighbors, actor Hugh Jackman and his wife, Deb. Jean-Georges also demonstrates his command of simple, flavorful combinations by creating new dishes inspired by the Korean pantry.
"The Pork Chronicles" - As opposed to the lean-is-better preference in the United States, Koreans love their pork full of fat — and flavor. In this episode, Marja, her dear friend, the actress Heather Graham, and an expert food blogger named Daniel eat classic pork barbeque at Heukdonga restaurant in Seoul. They also stop by Songgane Gamjatang, where Seoul’s taxi drivers convene for pork bone soup and the grand pork dish known as bo ssam.
At home in New York, Marja makes her own version of the cabbies’ favorites and Jean-Georges prepares a delicious, fast stir-fry of sliced pork and colorful vegetables, and improvises a simple, tasty barbeque sauce to coat ribs, chops and even pork feet. Marja and Heather conclude the episode with a visit to a Buddhist temple.
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