Treasure hunters embark on an antiques adventure in MARKET WARRIORS, a new series from the producers of ANTIQUES ROADSHOW, the hit PBS series and forerunner of television’s antiques and collectibles genre. In MARKET WARRIORS, expert shoppers scour flea markets across the country for vintage valuables, selling their finds at auction with an eye towards maximizing profit.
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Pick up some picker lingo before your next antiques adventure.
Auction Tips from Abell Auction Company
Are you an auction novice? Learn how to bid wisely and well, with advice from auctioneer Joe Baratta.
In each episode, four pickers travel to different markets across the country to purchase items with a set amount of money, and use their knowledge and skills to see who can make the most profit at auction.
"Antiquing In Long Beach, Calif." - This week on MARKET WARRIORS, the pickers head out to Long Beach, California, to the Long Beach Antique Market, where more than 800 vendors flock to the popular monthly market.
In this episode, the pickers are challenged to scour vendors’ booths for the best Asian smalls (a miniature decorative or utilitarian item) and one picker’s expertise in this category is put to the test.
Off-screen host Mark L. Walberg observes some key finds that include a Japanese wedding box, a pair of Chinese chairs and modern sculpture.
It’s anyone’s game this week when their items go under the hammer at Quinn’s Auction Galleries in Falls Church, Virginia.
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Watch Antiquing in Long Beach, CA - Preview on PBS. See more from Market Warriors.
Watch Meet MARKET WARRIORS' Newest Picker, Bene Raia on PBS. See more from Market Warriors.
Watch Market Warriors - Behind the Scenes with John Kalish on PBS. See more from Market Warriors.