Part adventure, part history lesson, and part treasure hunt, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW is a 13-time Emmy® Award-nominee and PBS' most-watched ongoing series.
Mark L. Walberg hosts.
"Appraisal: Adrien Emmanuel Marie "The Young Heir" Oil"
"Watch Nan Chisholm's appraisal of this Adrien Emmanuel Marie "The Young Heir" oil
Back in 1999, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW visited Salt Lake City. Tune in to see what happened to the values of the items found during that trip.
Highlights include Napoleonic prisoner-of-war pieces; a Mormon certificate of gratitude; and beaded Kiowa objects that previously came in at $29,000-$36,000 and now are appraised at $35,000-$40,000.
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On the ROADSHOW podcast, producers chat with many of your favorite ROADSHOW experts about their experiences in search of America's hidden treasures and other antiques issues in the news: Subscribe ITUNES | SOUNDCLOUD | STITCHER
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Appraisal: 1887 English Bargeware
"Watch Alan Kaplan's appraisal of this 1887 English bargeware
Appraisal: American Slag Glass Lamps
"In Vintage Salt Lake City
Appraisal: 1899 Multicolored Gold Watch
"Check out Jonathan Snellenburg's appraisal of this 1899 multicolored gold watch
Appraisal: 1844 London Sterling Tea Set
"In Vintage Salt Lake City