THE REAGAN PRESIDENCY, a three-part series produced by the same team behind PBS' "Herbert Hoover: Landslide," focuses on the critical domestic and foreign policy decisions President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) made during his two terms in office.
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President Ronald Reagan working at his desk.
Courtesy of American Public Television
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President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy team.
Courtesy of American Public Television
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President Ronald Reagan sits at the Cabinet table.
Courtesy of American Public Television
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Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.
Courtesy of American Public Television
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Ronald Reagan with Margaret Thatcher.
Courtesy of American Public Television
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President Ronald Reagan at a Cabinet meeting.
Courtesy of American Public Television
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Ronald Reagan's official portrait. THE REAGAN PRESIDENCY focuses on the critical domestic and foreign policy decisions President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) made during his two terms in office. This complex, thoroughly researched portrait of the nation's 40th president covers the Iran-Contra affair, the end of the Cold War, runaway inflation and rising employment, the air traffic controller strike of 1981, the Lebanese Civil War and the invasion of Granada, among other topics. Notable Reagan staffers, foreign leaders, members of Congress, scholars, journalists and presidential biographers representing a variety of political perspectives and opinions discuss the legacy of Reagan's successes and failures.
Courtesy of American Public Television
This complex, thoroughly researched portrait of the nation's 40th president covers the Iran-Contra affair, the end of the Cold War, runaway inflation and rising employment, the air traffic controller strike of 1981, the Lebanese Civil War and the invasion of Granada, among other topics.
THE REAGAN PRESIDENCY supplements extensive archival video with interviews from insiders and historians to tell a fresh story about this eight-year chapter in American history.
Notable Reagan staffers, foreign leaders, members of Congress, scholars, journalists and presidential biographers representing a variety of political perspectives and opinions discuss the legacy of Reagan's successes and failures.
Visit to purchase a DVD copy of this series.