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Border & Immigration

Border Patrol Union Local Ratifies Trump Endorsement

A Border Patrol vehicle drives along the border fence in Fort Hancock, Texas, on September 3, 2015.
Joe Widmer / KRWG
A Border Patrol vehicle drives along the border fence in Fort Hancock, Texas, on September 3, 2015.

A local union of Border Patrol agents narrowly voted down a motion to break from the National Border Patrol Council's endorsement of presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The El Paso Times reports Local 1929 in El Paso voted 14-13 Tuesday night to support the union's national endorsement and reject a proposal to take a neutral stance in the presidential election.

The GOP hopeful has drawn criticism for a pledge to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and launch mass deportations of an estimated 11 million immigrants suspected of being in the country illegally.


The local represents about 1,700 agents — about 10 percent of the union's total membership — in the Border Patrol's El Paso sector, which covers New Mexico and West Texas.