Zero Tolerance Policies’ Impact On School-To-Prison Pipeline
Zero Tolerance Policies' Impact On School-To-Prison Pipeline
GUESTS:Judge James Milliken, former presiding judge of San Diego Juvenile Court
Rick Barton, chair, Anti-Defamation League's Education Equality Task Force
In recent years, educators and school boards hoping to make schools safer for kids have enacted a number of zero-tolerance policies. These policies restrict guns and drugs, but clamp down also on other student behavior problems.
Critics say the suspensions and expulsions from these policies have created what they call a "school-to-prison pipeline." Behavior that once got students sent to the principal's office might now get them sent to juvenile hall.
ADL-School To Prison Pipeline
What is the School-to-Prison-Pipeline?
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A program called “Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline” will be held Tuesday night at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego.