Delta Airlines may love to fly, but it apparently didn't show to two U.S. soldiers on their way home from Afghanistan. Staff Sgts. Fred Hilliker and Robert O'Hair were so outraged by the $200 bag fee they'd been charged by Delta Airlines for checking a fourth bag filled with Army equipment, they made a YouTube video in flight to protest, according to the Stars and Stripes:
As it so happens, the video went viral, and viewers were vocal in their outrage. Delta paid attention, and changed its checked bag fee policy for active servicemembers on their way to (or home from) deployments. Per its contract with the Department of Defense, Delta allowed active duty troops flying coach to check three bags without getting charged.
Delta's new policy is now on the airline's website:
Stars and Stripes points out that the Army would've reimbursed the soldiers for any extra costs they incurred by checking the extra bag. Anyhoo, the original video had been removed from YouTube, but it's since been re-posted by someone called NWOIS666: