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USS Ronald Reagan Coming Home To San Diego In 2013

USS Ronald Reagan
U.S. Navy
USS Ronald Reagan

The USS Ronald Reagan will once again be homeported in San Diego, returning to North Island Naval Air Station in 2013 after a year's worth of maintenance conducted at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Washington state, according to the U-T San Diego.

The U-T reports most Reagan families were counting on the return. Navy spokeswoman Cmdr. Pauline Storum told the newspaper two-thirds of Reagan families remained in San Diego when the carrier left for Washington in 2011.

The news of the USS Ronald Reagan's return isn't just good news for Navy families, but for San Diego's economy. The U-T estimates...

The ship brings $203 million in sailor salaries, plus the ripple effect of ship maintenance contracts, supply and utility outlays and spending by Navy families.

Are you a member of the Reagan family? Are you relieved the ship will return to San Diego?