Two U.S. troops who were part of a Special Operations team were shot and killed today by the Afghan police recruit they were charged with training, according to the New York Times.
In addition, the Times reports, two other U.S. service members were injured today when an Afghan security officer turned on them with a gun and shot them both.
It was one week ago today that six Marines were killed by Afghan police officers. In one case, three Camp Pendleton Special Ops Marines were lured to their death by an Afghan policeman offering a pre-dawn meal. In another incident the same day, three more Marines were gunned down in a gymnasium by an Afghan police officer carrying an AK-47.
Green on blue violence has been escalating in Afghanistan this year. As CBS News reports:
Afghan security forces working in partnership with Western troops have now turned weapons on their allies 31 times in 2012. At least 39 coalition forces have been killed in green-on-blue attacks this year, according to NATO, including 23 Americans.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta admitted yesterday, as reported by the Stars and Stripes, that he believes the Taliban is responsible for the latest attacks on U.S. troops.