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Iran Stands Firm on Uranium Enrichment

Iran's president refuses to compromise on his country's nuclear activities, despite the arrival of a United Nations deadline for his country to stop enriching uranium. President Bush says "there must be consequences" for Tehran.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Tehran won't be bullied into giving up its right to nuclear technology.

The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran continues to enrich uranium, although in very small amounts. U.S. and European officials plant to meet next week to discuss what to do next.


In late July, the U.N. Security Council gave Iran until Aug. 31 to suspend its uranium enrichment activities or face possible mandatory punitive measures.

Last week, Iran said it is willing to undertake serious negotiations on all aspects of its controversial nuclear program. But it did not directly address the demand to suspend uranium enrichment.

Speaking today in Tehran, President Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying that Iran will never abandon its obvious right to peaceful nuclear technology. Ahmadinejad also appeared on nationwide television.

At the United Nations today, the American ambassador John Bolton insisted there is no doubt Iran is seeking a nuclear bomb and he called on the Security Council to begin consideration of possible economic sanctions.

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