The number of elected officials calling for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s resignation is growing. This after national media outlets began reporting this week on his office’s mishandling of more than 400 sex-crime investigations, beginning in 2005.
The same activists who successfully led the campaign to recall former State Senate President Russell Pearce asked the Town Council of Guadalupe Thursday night to consider passing a resolution asking that the sheriff resign.
The council didn’t vote on the resolution, but they did hear public comments.
"The resolution you have in front of you is similar to a resolution I’m going to introduce this coming legislative session," State Representative Steve Gallardo told councilmembers. "I’m going to ask my fellow colleagues, Republicans and Democrats, to join me in saying: 'Enough!'"
Congressman Ed Pastor issued a statement expressing the same sentiment Thursday. He joins Congressman Raul Grijalva, and State Representatives Kate Hobbs and Ruben Gallego, who also called for Arpaio's resignation this week. So far the only elected officials to do so are Democrats.
Republican senators John McCain and Jon Kyl said in a statement that they're concerned by reports of the sheriff's botched sex-crime investigations, but they have not formally called for his resignation.