Monday is the last day to register to vote for the June 5 election. More Democrats than Republicans are registered to vote in San Diego County, but the margin is narrow. Almost 1.5 million county residents are already registered to vote.
Ten years ago, the region was solidly conservative, with 40 percent of voters registered Republican, compared to 35 percent Democrat.
That changed in 2008 when Democrats overtook Republicans.
The latest tally done by the Registrar of Voters last month shows 514,000 registered Democrats, just 3,000 more than registered Republicans.
The gap is considerably larger if you only consider people who live in one of San Diego’s 18 cities. About 50,000 more urban dwellers sign up to vote Democratic than Republican.
In the city of San Diego, Democrats make up 40 percent of the registered voters. Republicans and “Decline to State” are neck and neck, at 28 and 26 percent respectively.
In the unincorporated back country, the picture reverses: there, more than twice as many Republicans sign up as Democrats.
The wild card – non partisan or decline to state voters - make up about 25 percent of the electorate in San Diego County.
You need to re-register to vote if you have moved, changed your name, or want to change your political party.
You have until 8 p.m. Monday, May 21, to register, either by dropping by the Registrar of Voters’ office in Kearny Mesa, or by downloading a form and postmarking it by the deadline. You cannot register to vote online.