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Mexican immigration officials to screen northbound border traffic

 November 14, 2022 at 1:21 PM PST
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In what’s being called a “binational collaboration exercise,” beginning Tuesday Mexican immigration officers will begin screening northbound traffic at the San Ysidro Port of Entry. Then, San Diego could soon be saying farewell to styrofoam. The city council is set to hear a proposal Tuesday that would ban the sale and use of the product within the city. Plus, ever since museums have existed, directors have tried to imagine the best way to arrange and illuminate the objects on display. Now art museums are getting some help from science. Later, a maximum security prison might not be the first place you think of to celebrate a wedding. But it's where Edmond Richardson is marrying the love of his life, Avelina. Also, in Shakespeare’s romantic comedy “As You Like It,” Rosalind and Orlando meet at court but don’t truly find love until they’re banished to the forest. The La Jolla Playhouse offers a re-imagined play where identities can be fully explored through a cast of trans, non-binary and genderqueer performers. Finally, as we head into the season of joy, a new children’s book tries to capture the spiritual quest for joy and contentment.