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Researchers Say Coastal Defense Could Cost San Diego Over $350 Million And More Local News

 June 21, 2019 at 3:10 AM PDT

Speaker 1: 00:00 It's Friday, June 21st I'm Deb Welsh and you're listening to San Diego news matters from KPBS coming up. The prosecution in the murder trial of a decorated navy seal calls it star witness a liar and of this quarter and unexpected heavyweight victory leads to a wave of pride in imperial county and across the border. The knockout after being dropped himself was definitely a shock that more right after the break. Thank you for joining us for San Diego News Matters. I'm Deb Welsh. The trial of seal chief Eddie Gallagher took a dramatic turn when another seal testified that he not Gallagher kill the wounded isis fighter under their care. KPBS military reporter Steve Walsh has been covering the court marshal, Speaker 2: 00:52 special operator Cory Scott is a star witness for the prosecution in the war crimes trial. Scott, a medic was treating a young fighter along with Gallagher in Iraq in 2017 initially, Scott testified the way prosecutors expected that he saw Gallagher stabbed the detainee in the neck for no medical reason, but in cross examination by the defense, Scott says he fixated the prisoner by closing off his breathing tube. After Gallagher had walked away, Scott called it a mercy killing. The navy issued a statement saying that they will let the jury decide who is telling the truth. Gallagher is still charged with shooting an elderly man and a young woman. Scott is one of seven seals to be granted immunity. Others seals continued to take the stand to testify against their former leader, Steve Walsh, kbps news Speaker 1: 01:36 San Diego. We'll need to spend over $350 million to protect its coast from chronic flooding by 2040 according to a new study, KPBS science and technology reporter Shelina Chat, Lonnie says that number is a low estimate. Researchers from the center for climate integrity looked at what they're calling conservative projections of sea level rise over the next several decades across the country. Still they found the cost of protection for California alone would hover around $22 billion. Richard Wiles, executive director for the center says that figure is based on a modest price tag for building seawalls. These defenses will need to be constructed essentially starting now, something roughly the size of the interstate highway system to be constructed in half the time. He says it's still unclear where the money to pay for this infrastructure will come from Shalina Celani KPBS news Thursday was World Refugee Day, a day to spread awareness about refugees around the world. It coincides with a new report that shows refugee resettlement numbers in the United States are at a historic low KPBS reporter. Prius or either has more. The International Rescue Committee, a global nonprofit dedicated to refugee resettlement released a new report this week showing that the United States has lowered its annual admissions for refugees by one third this fiscal year. Compared to last this year, the US has committed to taking only 30,000 refugees despite resettlement needs increasing by 17% according to the report. Mohammad trauma is the chairman of the San Diego Refugee Forum. Speaker 3: 03:18 We know the numbers from each with so many agencies in their approval rate is Gillen like really down Speaker 1: 03:25 the forum is hosting a World Refugee Day celebration to honor the culture of San Diego's refugees. This Saturday at 11:00 AM at the MCA in city heights, pre assure either k PBS news on Thursday bear, Kevin Faulconer signed off on a new city budget that increases funding for literal removal citywide. The mirror also discussed his recent meeting with President Donald Trump in Washington DC. KPBS reporter Max Rivlin Adler was there. Speaker 2: 03:55 The new city budget. We'll add six point $5 million over last year's budget to create a new shift of litter removal. Cruz. After he signed the budget, I asked the mayor about his meeting with Trump, which took place a day after Trump threatened to arrest a million undocumented immigrants. Falconer said the subject didn't come up and instead the to discuss the importance of Congress passing a proposed trade deal with Mexico known as the u s n c a Speaker 3: 04:20 we really had the opportunity to focus a brief time on us MCA and how important trade is here in San Diego. And the 100,000 jobs that are at stake. Speaker 2: 04:29 Falconer also said he told the president that any tariffs on trade would be damaging for San Diego's economy. Speaker 3: 04:35 Now, terrorists in the wrong way to go. Free Trade is works for San Diego. Speaker 2: 04:39 Earlier this month, Trump used the threat of increased tariffs to make Mexico pledge that it would take more steps to stem the flow of Central American immigrants across its southern border. Max Northland Adler, k PBS news, Speaker 1: 04:51 a young Sacramento police officer died in the line of duty Wednesday night. The man who shot or had barricaded himself with a rifle in the north Sacramento home officer's spent the evening trying to negotiate with the shooter before taking him into custody. Thursday morning capitol public radio, Sammy Kay was on the scene. Civilians and officers consult each other outside the UC Davis Medical Center just after midnight as they waited for Tara O'sullivan's body to be wheeled out and placed in a white hearse. The 26 year old was shot while responding to a domestic violence call. Sacramento police officials say no other officers were injured at a press conference. Sacramento, deputy police chief Dave Paletta said it was a complex situation and officers took precautions. Speaker 4: 05:36 We don't do any good if we send personnel up just to have more people hurt or injured and so some of these things unfortunately take time. You strategically have to think through them. Speaker 1: 05:46 Officers and elected officials described O'sullivan as heroic. They say her death is the city's first officer fatality in the line of duty in more than 20 years in Sacramento. I'm Sammy Kayla housing vouchers like section eight can be a lifeline for people struggling to afford Sky California rents, but most landlords in La won't even consider renting to someone with a voucher. Local lawmakers just voted to change that from KPCC in Los Angeles. David Wagner has more Speaker 5: 06:16 right now. It's pretty common to see rental ads in La that say no. Section eight La city council members voted unanimously this week to end that the new rules will ban landlords from turning away tenants just because they use a housing voucher to subsidize their rent or recent study found that 76% of La landlords that won't take these vouchers. That's made it hard for low income and homeless people to find a place to live. Councilman Paul Kirkorian was the first to propose the new rules. Speaker 6: 06:44 We just can't tolerate a situation where otherwise qualified tenants are turned away by landlords because of the fact that they have a voucher. Speaker 5: 06:52 Right now, nearly half of the people getting section eight in La end up losing their voucher because they can't find anyone who will rent to them. Landlords say the new rules will push them into a poorly run program. A bill moving through the state legislature would enact similar rules statewide for the California report. I'm David Wagner in Los Angeles, Speaker 1: 07:11 in San Diego and ordinance approved last year bars, landlords from rejecting applicant's because they use rental subsidies, especially section eight vouchers. The California Assembly has given final approval to a series of tax law changes that will net the state more than a billion dollars a year as capital public radio's been Avalar reports. The bill conforms parts of the states tax code with federal law under president Trump's tax cuts and jobs act, Speaker 7: 07:40 business and tax groups don't oppose California tax conformity and neither did most assembly republicans, but Jay Ober naulty did. He called out Democrats for Cherry picking which tax changes to include Speaker 8: 07:50 the items this bill selects to conform with seem very selectively chosen to maximize state revenue rather than an honest effort to conform to federal tax laws. Speaker 7: 08:00 Most Democrats supported the bill and praise what most of the money would pay for the expansion of the state earned income tax credit for low income working Californians, but some supporters like assembly woman, Eloise Gomez Rayez criticized the exclusion of immigrants who live in California illegally. Speaker 8: 08:16 For this ad to truly be a working families tax relief, it should support all families and not shortchange and low income households across California. Speaker 7: 08:25 The bill's passage is a win for governor Gavin Newsom, who's been pressuring reluctant assembly members to approve it at the state capitol. I'm Ben Adler. Speaker 1: 08:33 This week a federal judge said, gun shows are allowed at the del Mar fairgrounds, at least for now. KPB As reporter Matt often says, this comes after the fairgrounds board. Last year voted to temporarily suspend the gun shows Speaker 7: 08:48 an attorney for crossroads of the West who used to put on five gun shows a year, says it's now looking to schedule a show sometime this year. This all comes after a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction saying the fairgrounds board must allow gun shows. Last year there were hundreds of people who turned out to meetings speaking for and against the gun shows those against the show said they didn't represent the beliefs of the community and weren't family friendly. While the gun show operators argued it was a constitutionally protected right. The fairgrounds board ultimately voted to suspend the shows for 2019 executive director of the Political Action Committee, San Diego County gun owners, Michael Schwartz says the injunction allowing the gun shows back is a win Speaker 9: 09:25 to have one small minority group who wants to use the force of government to kick another group out of town or step on their first amendment rights to assemble and free speech just because they don't like their culture. Um, that's exactly what courts are supposed to do is step in and make sure that they don't use the force of government to discriminate against the a culture. Speaker 7: 09:50 California Assembly member, Todd Gloria is pushing a bill that would ban the sale of guns and ammo on the del Mar fairgrounds. He issued a statement saying, in part the ruling was disappointing, but his bill, we'll continue to move forward. Matt Hoffman, K PBS news. Speaker 1: 10:03 This Saturday. Vanguard culture is hosting the first of its three not so silent short film festival programs. Tomorrow night's focus is on women film pioneers. KPBS film critic Beth like Amando speaks with curator Scott Paulson about the role, his teeny tiny pit orchestra we'll have at the screening. Speaker 10: 10:24 Scott, you have a kind of specialized in silent films. So what are the films that will be screening on Saturday? The theme is Women Film Pioneers. Uh, we have to feature Alice Ski who was the first female director. We also have to feature Lois Weber who was the first American director. And uh, I was kind of asked to do perils of Pauline as well. A good, good slapstick films. But I prefer hazards of Helen. They are superior. And we're also going to feature a wonderful film from baby Peggy. And you've brought a few instruments here into the studio. You have one here that's a little tower and you said that this is very good for transitions. Yes. Silent films. Yes. A summer from the audience will help me with this one. This is called a bell trees. He's cupped bells that go from smallest to largest. And if you gesture downwards, is it very cliche, scene change moment, especially effective if the film is Irish, sing in an Irish thing out, kind of like a James Bond movie. Speaker 10: 11:28 Someone is going to have that lucky job in, in the films. Just doing that little moment for seeing change. Uh, another instant we have as a slap stick, you know, slapstick comedies get their name from the slapstick. Uh, let's see. And you just slap it just lets you know that I didn't do that real loud because they didn't want to scare you. But when you hear that slapstick, it's a very distinctive sound and you know that the violence is not real. It's cartoon, like silver slapstick film. It's a, it's a great tool to use. And uh, just let's have you know that it's not for reals. Another wonderful bad guy moment would be with this vibrant slap you just put your hand through. And as this wooden ball and a little box with metal teeth, you slap the ball and you get that spectacular sound that you recognize from the good, bad and the ugly amongst other things. Speaker 10: 12:18 Ooh, Ooh. But for us, it's like whenever you get a bad guy, um, everyone will be able to announce the bad guy when they see him. And you bought yourself a new instrument, a, a little toy, a little toy accordion. It's very easy to play. Just pick some buttons and then you open and then close. Just your little [inaudible] moment. So yes, we can get carried away. It is kind of all the bells and whistles you can stand, but there are some beautiful moments in the this evening and we'll be doing some beautiful music as well besides the crazy slapstick. So for this accordion, what kind of visual cues might people be looking for that they would use this? Well, the, the Allis g film is about a doctor who finds a cure for a debilitating lung disease. And in the beginning all the patients are paraded and they show how well they're breathing. So I think just each time they take a big breath to show off, I think that's an easy one for the audience to cue up to. Speaker 10: 13:18 Yes, I can breathe. Thank you doctor for the rest of the film. It's so beautiful. We're actually going to use a modern minimalist music along the lines of, you know, you'll think it's Philip Glass, while it was pretty minor thirds and major six is so the rest of them was going to be quite, quite beautiful because it's very sentimental. But we'll start out funny with the breathing. And one of your instruments that I find particularly fascinating is something you use for marching and it looks like a bunch of pegs all tied together. Yes. So the marching machine, it's from a 1920 design, huge and radio and film. Uh, and uh, you just march along with these configured wooden dowels that are slightly askew and tied together on a wooden frame and you just march along porch, alon and Scott, do you want to give us a sound cue to go out? Oh, uh, oh gosh. Oh yes. It's always nice to remind people that when you hear one sound Speaker 11: 14:22 [inaudible], Speaker 10: 14:23 most likely you'll hear another yes. More cow bell. Speaker 12: 14:28 Yeah. Speaker 1: 14:28 And not so silent short film festival. Women Film Pioneers is Saturday at 7:00 PM at idea one in east village. Andrew Reece Juniors upset victory over British box or Anthony Joshua earlier this month makes him the first Mexican American heavyweight champ is victory prompted a wave of pride and imperial county and across the border. Freddy to Rocess Speaker 13: 14:52 is a former boxer and an expert on the Imperial Valley boxing scene. He told KPBS midday edition what is, when means to the community. I was shocked at how it happened, but I wasn't shocked that I'm the one I've known Andy, you know, most of his life. And if you've seen how hard he's worked in, you know, it's not that big of an upset in the boxing world, but the knockout after being dropped in the south was definitely a shock. That was an eye opener there. You first met Andy Ruiz when he was nine at that time. Did anything stand out to you about him? She was a little Chubby kid and we would be like, okay, well what, what, what can he do? And then he would just start shadow boxing and doing meds and hitting the bag. And it was just amazing to see, um, someone of that physique with that ability, like so athletic and fast and powerful. Speaker 13: 15:42 I mean, he just amazed everybody he would show his skill set to at that age. His stories about, Luis always mentioned his extra weight and the fact that he doesn't look like the kind of guy we expect to win in the ring. How do you think his appearance has affected his career? You know what, I think in the beginning it definitely, um, put him at the, you know, at the worst end of things because of how he looked and people not really knowing who he was or knowing his background because he's one of the most experienced, probably the most experienced heavyweights out there right now has been boxing since he was six. That's 24 years of his life. Um, but now that he's where he's at, I think now it's going to benefit him because he looks like your home boy next door. You know, he looks like your buddy down the street and people love that. Speaker 13: 16:26 What other kinds of challenges would a boxer from the Imperial Valley liker we use face in getting to the level that he's now at. You don't want thing the imperial valley needs a lot is funding and allow more programs for, for a youth boxing because there's so much talent right here. Like any other border towns. But like any other border towns, a lot of talent leads to Mexico or to the nearest big city. Like for us being, you know, the Coachella valley or Los Angeles area where most of our talent goes to. Can you describe me? What is the boxing scene like in Imperial Valley? It's very reactive. A lot of kids, almost everybody grows up boxing here. I mean, if, if you haven't, then you know, someone that has, you mentioned, uh, Andrew is natural talent it that you saw early on, but you also mentioned this championing of him by his father. Speaker 13: 17:18 What was his family support like? It has to be that Andy has always had a huge, tremendous support system within his family, mainly his father that has been like a shadow to him. Put it this way. I've never seen Andy and Nazi his dad there ever. Now, as you say, Andy's victories is bound to encourage a lot of local kids get involved in boxing. But let me just mention this, there's been a lot of warnings about the impact of boxing on brain health. Are you concerned kids may be endangering their longterm health by taking up this sport? No. Because if done right, if done correctly, um, there, there's a lot more benefits to it. You know, studies have showed that football's worse and even cycling is allowed worse than than the traumatic injuries that come from boxing. We've been talking about how big a deal this is. Speaker 13: 18:04 Andy Ruiz wins the heavyweight championship of the world and he's from imperial valley, but he is the first heavyweight champion of Mexican descent. So what would you say his wind means to the Mexican community? We've had champions in every division, but it's huge. It's huge because I was a void that many experts thought would ever get fields by the, by the Mexican American or Mexican community because we're just not built that big. Are you looking forward to a rematch between Louise and Joshua? I am. I'm actually looking forward to attended as well. It just came out today that Anthony Joshua has chosen Madison square garden again for the rematch, which is, which is great news. It'll be on neutral turf once again. And when is that supposed to happen? Do we know yet? They're shooting, um, November, December of this year. From what I heard. Anthony wants it immediately. Okay, so we'll have to be watching for that. I've been speaking with former boxer and imperial valley boxing coach Freddy to Rosa's Freddy. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. It was a joy, Speaker 1: 19:01 a parade, and rally his plan through the city of imperial on Saturday where it Ruiz is expected to speak. Thanks for listening to San Diego News matters. For more KPBS podcasts, go to k

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A new study found that San Diego will need to spend over $350 million to protect its coast from chronic flooding by 2040. And researchers say that’s a low estimate. Plus, a witness in the trial of a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes say he killed an Iraqi prisoner out of mercy, and more San Diego and California news.