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California Mayors Hold Water Crisis Discussion

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders will be in Sacramento today to co-host a Water Summit with Mayors from around the state. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.

California Mayors Hold Water Crisis Discussion

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders will be in Sacramento today to co-host a Water Summit with Mayors from around the state. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.

Mayor Sanders and Mayor Chuck Reed of San Jose will convene a meeting of mayors to work on their common interest in a statewide water bond. As the prospect of a water shortage in parts of California appears imminent, Sanders wants cities to push for changes to the way water is moved past the Sacramento Delta and transported throughout the state. This could help resolve the threat to species like the Delta smelt.


Sanders has said he'd prefer to find alternatives other than water recycling to solve the water shortage. He believes water reclamation or is too expensive.

Sanders invited Mayors from Sacramento, Long Beach, Fresno and Anaheim. Los Angles and Oakland have agreed to send representatives.

Several California mayors will already be in the state capitol to meet Mexican president, Jose Calderon, who's visiting the governor.