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Panels Noticeably Absent: The New Star Trek Movie

He came out on stage and announced that the role of young Spock would be played by Zachary Quinto (Sylar on Heroes ). A bunch of other cast members have been announced since then: Spock's Mom -- Winona Rider (Beetle Juice, and a couple other things), Scotty -- Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dean), Sulu -- John Cho (Harlod and Kumar), and some unknowns: Kirk -- Chris Pine, McCoy -- Karl Urban. There's easily enough material to have done something, even without footage & hellip; I guess we'll just have to wait to see the movie, May 2009.

Side note: Check out the cool teaser trailer for the movie. Doesn't the first guy welding look like Bruce Campbell ?

The new Star Trek movie trailer