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New Fee Proposed to Maintain State Parks

Pay $10 with your car registration and get free access for the year to California state parks. That's the proposal by one Democratic Assemblyman who says his plan would raise much needed funds for sta

New Fee Proposed to Maintain State Parks

Pay $10 with your car registration and get free access for the year to California state parks. That's the proposal by one Democratic Assemblyman who says his plan would raise much needed funds for state park maintenance. From Sacramento, Jenny O'Mara reports.

Democratic Assemblyman John Laird says his proposal would address the problem of crumbling parks facilities and reduced services in bad budget times. 


Laird:  "And the amount of money raised on top of what we put there now would increase maintenance to the point that we're not doing new deferred maintenance every year.”

The Assembly Budget Committee Chairman says his proposed $10 annual surcharge on California registered vehicles would raise approximately $280 million. The fee would not apply to commercial trucks and trailers. Laird is introducing his proposal in a budget subcommittee. A spokesman for the Assembly budget committee, Vice Chairman Roger Niello says he is concerned that it's a tax increase on a lot of people who would not end up using the parks.