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Californians Vote to Support Vets Through Home Loans

Last week, Californians overwhelmingly passed Proposition 12, the Veterans' Bond Act of 2008. The measure provides $900 million in home loans to vets. We'll talk about the plight of vets in Californ

Californians Vote to Support Vets Through Home Loans

Tom Fudge : The election of one week ago caused a lot of excitement, even though state Proposition 12 was not very exciting. No doubt, most of our listeners have no idea what I'm talking about when I say Prop 12. But it did pass with 63 percent of the vote.

Proposition 12 called for the State of California to put up nearly a billion dollars in bonding to create a pool of loan money for veterans to use. The money is part of a fund that's existed for many decades. It provides loans for veterans who want to purchase homes or farms. Veterans are a segment of society that nearly all Americans admire, and providing benefits for them is not politically controversial. That said, how are veterans doing in California? Are they getting what they need and deserve?



  • Mark Wyland , California State Senator who represents the 38th District. He is chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and he sponsored the Senate Bill that authorized $900 million in bonds for home loans for veterans.
  • Mary Salas , Assembly member of the 79th District and Chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee.