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Group to document discrimination, violence in Latino communities

A San Diego human rights group is spearheading a movement within border states to document abuses of Latino residents. KPBS Reporter Amy Isackson has the story.

A San Diego human rights group is spearheading a movement within border states to document abuses of Latino residents. KPBS Reporter Amy Isackson has the story.

The American Friends Service Committee plans to deploy volunteers in communities with large populations of Latino residents. The volunteers will record the stories of people who say they've been abused or discriminated against by law enforcement authorities or government officials.

American Friends Service Committee spokesman Benjamin Prado says both violence and discrimination against Latinos have been on the upswing since 9-11.


Prado: "And today we see Border Patrol, ICE, the Department of Homeland Security implementing a policy of racial profiling, discrimination, of separating families, and so we see a wave of violence against migrant communities."

Prado says they'll take the stories they collect to Congress in the hopes that it will re-think border policy. Amy Isackson, KPBS news.