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Are you buying smuggled pets?

Thousands of puppies are smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico every year. But many have been bred irresponsibly and carry genetic diseases or sicknesses.

Are you buying smuggled pets?

Thousands of puppies are smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico every year. The dogs are sold in swap meets from the trunks of cars and in supermarket parking lots often at discounted prices. But many of those animals have been bred irresponsibly and carry genetic diseases or sicknesses - killing them once they're in a new home . Now a taskforce has been assembled to target the growing problem. The Border Puppy Taskforce is now monitoring the number of animals being drought through the San Ysidro and Otay Mesa border crossings. We talk about how the problem of smuggling puppies plagues the region.


  • Simran Zilaro , spokesperson for The San Diego Humane Society and SPA.
  • Lt. Dan Desousa , he's with San Diego County's Department of Animal Services. He is the county coordinator of the Border Puppy Taskforce.
  • Paula Cingota , longtime dog breeder and trainer. She is the founder of Our Best Friends Therapy Program.