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State Sen. Wants New Laws to Stop Meth Epidemic

A state Senator says it's time to renew efforts in the legislature to help fight the epidemic of methamphetamine in California. Sacramento reporter Jenny O'Mara has more.

A state Senator says it's time to renew efforts in the legislature to help fight the epidemic of methamphetamine in California. Sacramento reporter Jenny O'Mara has more.

Calling it California's number one drug problem, a state select committee is focusing on the issue of continued methamphetamine use and manufacture in California.

State Senator Jackie Speier who chairs the committee. says she'll renew state efforts to better control meth production.


Speier: "For some reason, the legislature has not recognized how egregious this drug problem is in the state and how it is affecting so many different areas."

Current law allows Californians to purchase up to three packages of pseudo-ephedrine found in common cold medicines, that's also used to make methamphetamine. Senator Speier says her efforts to further control those sales last year went nowhere. She says this year she'll pursue clear penalties for those who have large amounts of the ingredients used to make the illegal drug.