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City low on funds finds budget interests hard to prioritize

San Diego's city council members have submitted their budget priorities early this year, in anticipation of a year of unprecedented budget cuts. They hope the mayor will take their priorities into ac

San Diego's city council members have submitted their budget priorities early this year, in anticipation of a year of unprecedented budget cuts. They hope the mayor will take their priorities into account when he proposes a budget in April. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.

Each city council person wants to maintain services in their own district at the same time as resolving the massive financial obligations faced by the city as a whole.

Councilmember Tony Young says he hopes the worst case scenario will be maintaining services like parks, libraries and streets at the same level as this year.


Councilwoman Donna Frye hopes to restore library and pool hours cut last year. Brian Maienschein puts road repairs at the top of his list of district priorities, while Jim Madaffer cites brush and weed abatement high on his list. Councilwoman Toni Atkins wants to preserve funding for small business development, but all the council members acknowledge funding employee pension and health obligations comes before everything else.

That could eat up a quarter of the city's available general fund dollars. Alison St John, KPBS news.