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Your letters: January 26, 2006

Host Tom Fudge and producer Ana Tintocalis read letters from listeners.

Your letters: January 26, 2006

Host Tom Fudge and producer Ana Tintocalis read letters from listeners.

You can send your letters to


TOM: And now its time to read some of the letters we've received from These Days listeners.

On Wednesday we talked about the country of Iran and its nuclear capabilities. Iran has signed a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, but evidence seems to show the country is trying to develop nuclear weapons. This is troubling to the United States. But These Days listener Hasan Benler of Poway questions U.S. statements and actions regarding Iran. He says Americans shouldn't trust what government officials tell us when it comes to Iran's nuclear capabilities. He writes,

ANA: Vice President Dick Cheney was on television recently using virtually the same language about Iran and nuclear weapons as he did about Iraq. Given that the statements about Iraq turned out to be totally wrong, how can we trustwhether we're being told the truth" How can we trust whether we're given an accurate picture of what is going on? Is this one more frightening tempest in a teapot?

TOM: A couple weeks ago we brought you "Naked in Escondido" a discussion that revolved arounda certain nude painting. The story goes like this: Rob Ferguson is a successful artist. He painted a portrait of a nude male body which was on display at Distinction gallery in downtown Escondido. A handful of people were shocked by the painting. One woman in particular contacted the gallery and the city of Escondido, demanding the work be removed.

ANA: We invited the women who complained about the painting to be on the show, but she refused. Nonetheless, These Days listener Catherine Thiemann of Pacific Beach thought the "Naked in Escondido" discussion was unbalanced and pointless. She writes, I was struck by the extraordinary one-sidednessof the discussion. I happen to appreciate art that challenges the viewer, and I would happily bring my kids to a show of nude paintings. But I wonder, what was the point of this segment? Was it only to heap abuse on the woman who complained about the nude painting. She didn't like the art; she complained to the gallery; she complained to the city -- so what?? She caused no harm. Leave her in peace.


TOM: We got another email in from Allison Wall of Tierrasanta. She wanted to offer her point of view as a Christian. She writes, .There is nothing more beautiful than the human body, which I believe, and many Christians believe, God created and created in His image. It is something to be celebrated, adored and revered in art. The problem is that many people in our culture associate nudity with pornography.Americans need to start loving, respecting and appreciating the greatest piece of art ever created - their own body.Magazine covers are more pornographic than nude art, and these same magazines are at the child's eye level in the grocery store.

ANA: And we hope you pass along your letters and comment. Email those to We may read your letter on the air, so please include the name of your home community and tell us your first and last name.