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Researchers encourage Latinos to vote

Latino researchers in San Marcos are worried San Diego County's growing Hispanic population isn't exercising its political power, and they hope to change that. KPBS Radio Ana Tintocalis has more.

Latino researchers in San Marcos are worried San Diego County's growing Hispanic population isn't exercising its political power, and they hope to change that. KPBS Radio Ana Tintocalis has more.

New Census Bureau numbers show Hispanics now make up about 30 percent of the county's population. But researchers say the growing Latino community isn't using its power to influence public policy. Arcela Alvarez is the director of the National Latino Research Center in San Marcos. She's working to make sure Latinos have influence politically.

Alvarez: "Latinos are becoming a deciding factor in the way that politics will be shaped but we are definitely aware that there is a major gap in terms of that engagement and participation."


Alvarez is coordinating a workshop to get Latinos involved. They'll learn about voting, how the legislative process works, and how to serve on local boards. Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.