Election Results Show SD Voters Support Mayor's Propositions
When Jerry Sanders became mayor of San Diego last year during the breaking storm over San Diego’s massive financial problems and political corruption, he pledged to make things right. One idea was to control city expenses and make services more efficient by opening up city services to competition from the private sector. Mayor Sanders left the decision up to voters, and tonight, Proposition C is passing by a large margin.
These Days Host Tom Fudge spoke to the President of the Performance Institute, Carl DeMaio, for his reaction to Proposition C's lead in the election results.
DeMaio: I think the big story tonight is that the union spent a half a million dollars trying to mislead the public on Prop. C. They had their chance, and the mayor received the public support. And I hope that the city council will hear that message and cooperate with the mayor as we enter a very tough budget year.