Tom Fudge: Are you feeling tired? Rundown? Sapped of your energy and vigor? Well, get some sleep! In fact, when midday rolls around, why not take a nap? Napping is controversial in our society, which considers the middle of the day to be a time for working. But Sara Mednick says America would actually be more productive if there were more people lying down on the job.
Dr. Mednick is also a former Salk Institute researcher. Now, she's a member of the psychiatry faculty at UCSD. And she's very much in favor of naps. She's parlayed her research into a book for non-academics. The book is called
Take a Nap! Change your Life.
- Dr. Sara Mednick, author of Take a Nap! Change Your Life. She is also a former Salk Institute researcher. Now, she's a member of the psychiatry faculty at UCSD.
End Music: Pentatonic by Arthea, from the album Orbitones, Spoon Harps, & Bellophones (1998)