One statewide broadcast organization is hoping the earlier Presidential primary will entice candidates not only to pay attention to issues out west, but also to debate them in California. From Sacramento, Marianne Russ explains.
The California Broadcasters Association has invited the major party presidential candidates to take part in a debate on issues key for Western States. The trade association -- which represents more than 1,000 radio and television stations -- is teaming up with Arizona and Nevada broadcasters for the project. CBA President Stan Statham says it would be a roundtable rather than the typical debate format with podiums and time limits.
Statham: We like candidates to talk to and interrupt each other as opposed to ok - you make your two minute statement now you make your 2 minute-statement, now you make your one-minute rebuttal - boring.
Statham says there would be two separate debates - one for each party's candidates. He says the events would likely be in L.A. in the fall, if the candidates agree to them.