Tom Fudge: The military contractor called Blackwater USA is making a big stir in a small local town. Blackwater is a security company that's become well known for providing support to the American military effort in Iraq. Now, Blackwater wants to build an 824-acre training facility in Potrero, an East County community not far from Tecate, Mexico.
The local planning group in Potrero has given its support to the operation. But hundreds of Potrero residents have serious concerns about it. The facility would be built on the site of a chicken ranch in a rural valley. This evening San Diego county staff will hold a meeting to consider zoning variances for the proposal. Opponents of it plan to hold a protest in conjunction with the meeting.
A public scoping meeting for the Blackwater West project will take place tonight, Thursday, April 5, at 5:30 p.m. at the County Department of Planning and Land Use on Ruffin Road.
- Dania Raum, a concerned citizen who recently bought property, and plans to retire out in Potrero. She is representing a group of community members against Blackwater USA in Potrero.
- Gordon Hammers, chairman of the Potrero Community Planning Group.