A bill that would require most dog and cat owners to spay or neuter their pets has been put off until next year. The measure, aimed at reducing the animal shelter population, drew heavy opposition, particularly from breeders. From Sacramento, Jenny O'Mara reports.
Hundreds of people and their pets rallied at the state capitol to oppose the measure. Emotions ran high during and after a Senate hearing on the bill. Lassie's ninth generation descendant and his owner, Bob Weatherwax, were there in opposition. He says the family business depended on Lassie's unique markings.
Weatherwax: So therefore we had to breed to keep the genetics andย everything the way it is.
Lloyd Levine: Those are the kinds of arguments you're hearing, hysterical arguments.
That's the bill's author, Democratic Assemblyman Lloyd Levine.
Levine: That if my bill passes, Lassie will cease to exist, I mean it's amazing histrionics.
Under the bill, breeders would have to purchase permits -- but they call that expensive red tape. Levine withdrew the measure after the committee said it needed more work. He says it'll be back next year.
In Sacramento, I'm Jenny O'Mara.