My Outlook inbox is crammed. Since Friday's announcement that former Vice President
Al Gore shared the Nobel Peace Prize this year, the volume of e-mail cascading through cyberspace has impressed me with the latest big question: Will Al run for president in 2008?
The arguments against such a move are persuasive:
Those close to him say he's harboring no plans to run.
Democrats have a clear front runner with Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama have consumed much of the available Democratic campaign dollars .
The time is short until the Iowa caucus and the first primary.
A Gore candidacy would split the Democratic Party.
Gore's passion is the climate change issue and that's where he will place his energies.
Here are some arguments that indicate he still could throw in his hat:
He has not told supporters to stop their activism in his behalf.
There's a compelling argument that Gore could improve the world's opinion of the United States.
As world political leader, he could better spread the message of global warming.
He won the popular vote in 2000, so he knows that he lost on a technicality.
He always opposed the unpopular war in Iraq.
Republicans aren't that thrilled with their choices so far.