Writer, Performer Carl Hancock Rux Shares His Music
Tom Fudge: Carl Hancock Rux is a renowned poet, musician and playwright who's art is a reflection of his difficult and music-filled childhood. He was born in Harlem to a mother who ended up being institutionalized for mental illness. After many years in foster care, he was adopted by his aunt and uncle who were both a blessing and a burden.
Like many New York poets, he found inspiration and community in the legendary Nuyorican Poets Cafe . He is the author of a novel called Asphalt . His latest musical CD is Good Bread Alley .
Carl Hancock Rux will perform this Fri. Nov. 09 and Sat., Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. at the City Heights Performance Annex as part of Sushi , Performance and Visual Art's current season.
- Carl Hancock Rux , spoken word artist, author, playwright, actor and musician. He's also head of the writing for performance program at Cal Arts.