The San Diego teacher's union welcomes news that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger won't be pushing a full plate of education reforms this year. The Governor says dealing with the state's massive budget shortfall is his top priority. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocalis has more.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to make 2008 the Year of Education. Some of the proposed reforms included universal preschool and performance-based pay for teachers. San Diego teachers union vice president Mark Capitelli says he's relieved the Governor won't be turning education upside down with a bunch of new proposals. He says teachers have been inundated with changes for the past decade.
Maybe we need time to put into practice those things we've been reforming, see what works and do that.
Schwarzenegger did say the state will intervene with 98 school districts that are failing to meet the federal No Child Left Behind Act. He also proposed using more of the state's education funding on districts that need the most help.
Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.