The San Diego Unified school district stands to lose $70 million in state funding as a result of the Governor's proposed budget cuts. District officials are telling parents and teachers to prepare for the worst. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocalis has the story.
The Governor wants to slash $4 billion in education spending to public school districts. That means San Diego Unified could lose roughly $70 million dollars in state money this and next year. Willliam Kowba is the district's interim superintendent. He says the shortfall threatens everything from special education programs to transportation.
Kowba: This is so large a number that I cannot envision any part of the budget being isolated or otherwise being isolated by it or otherwise protected by it.
Kowba suggests the district will also have to consider a hiring freeze at the central office or layoffs. Kowba points out the $70 million is a preliminary figure. He expects the number to change as budget talks move forward in Sacramento.
Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.