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Beach Booze Ban's Big Test

Today is the first major test of the experimental one year alcohol ban on San Diego city beaches. KPBS reporter Alison St John visited Pacific Beach and found it less crowded than in previous years.

Beach Booze Ban's Big Test

Today is the first test of the experimental one year alcohol ban on San Diego city beaches. KPBS reporter Alison St John visited Pacific Beach and found it less crowded than in previous years.

A smaller than usual crowd at Pacific Beach on the Fourth of July. Alison St John/KPBS

It could have been the overcast or it could have been the alcohol ban on the beach… either way. Pacific Beach was less crowded earlier this afternoon than it was last Forth of July. City Councilmember Kevin Faulconer, who initiated the one year experimental alcohol ban, was out on his bicycle

Faulconer: Part of the trial is to talk to people see how it works see how it works and we’re getting a lot of positive feedback people who live throughout san diego who say we’re coming back to the beach and they hadn’t for a while and they like the vibe and they like the attitude.

The vibe was mellow, at least on the sand… but on the other side of the boardwalk the parties were revving up.


Steele Young was roller blading with his 8 year old daughter .

The booze ban wont affect that side at all, in fact that’ll get even more crazy so it just moves the chaos from one side of the way to the other.  

 Jason Floyd was on the sand an energy drink in his hand. He’s skeptical the police’ll be able to enforce the law strictly

Floyd : I don’t think it’ll last, I mean you see all the coolers round here? I don’t think they could stop all these people from drinking. It's ridiculous,  they tried to do it with prohibition, man… it didn’t work then, it wont work now .

Police on horseback and ATVs are very much in evidence. They said things were pretty quiet so far. 
Lifeguards said their problem is the heavy overcast , which prevents them from seeing swimmers clearly in the water.

Alison St John, KPBS news.