When voter registration closes at the end of today, analysts will see how San Diego’s political stripes have changed. Problems reported in voter registrations by the group Acorn will have little impact on the overall trend: the Republican lead over Democratic registered voters is narrowing. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.
1.4 million people were registered to vote in San Diego as of last month . 37percent are Republicans, 36 percent Democrats.
Thad Kousser, Professor of Political Science at UCSD, says about 18 hundred invalid voter registrations submitted by the group “Acorn” will have a minor effect on the overall increase in registered democrats since the beginning of the year.
We thought there were something on the order of 75,000 newly registered democrats in San Diego and this is about 1,800 fewer than we thought so maybe the democratic voter registration leap wont be quite as large as we thought, but it wont affect election outcomes is the important thing
Kousser says invalid voter registrations don’t translate into fraudulent votes. He says fictitious people signed up to vote usually don’t show up at the polls, because they don’t exist.
Alison St John, KPBS News